Bavenhill Vineyard Sprayers
Bavenhill and Berthoud have been involved in vineyard crop husbandry since its beginning in 1895. There are many options available for spraying vineyards; the correct option depends on the size and the set-up of the vineyard.

Berthoud Superair Sprayer
Based on a Berthoud Superair sprayer, this machine is ideal for covering leaf foliage crops by applying the chemical into the air induction. Covering two and half rows at once this machine greatly increases the output whilst giving extremely good crop coverage. The same machine is also suitable for spraying hops or other dense foliage.
Berthoud Superair Sprayer
The Berthoud Speedair boom sprays two half rows at once. These machines are ideal for compact vineyards and tight headlands with three point linkage drawbars and quick folding booms.

Vineyard and Orchard Sprayer
The Berthoud Vineyard and Orchard sprayer can hold between 200 and 600 litres of chemicals. It requires a tractor of at least 30 hp for its operation
Vineyard and Orchard Sprayer
This vineyard and orchard sprayer is designed to be fitted on to a small tractor with a mower deck or a large garden mower. The mower and the sprayer can then be used at the same time.

Berthoud Speedair Head
The Berthoud Speedair head allows the chemical to be introduced into fast speed low volume air flow. This gives a smaller droplet size with brilliant accuracy. This is ideal for treating areas of the crops that are disease prone.